bad spellers of the world-UNTIE!!
Tim Horton
JoinedPosts by Tim Horton
JWs can't spell
by Nosferatu ini was reading some comments on randy's site, and lately i've been noticing a trend - a majority of jws can't spell.
i've seen them come on here and their spelling is very poor.
here's an example: what a nut case!
When you're happy, the whole world smiles with you...
by LittleToe in.
spread some cheer, with a simple smile.. you know you want to.. you'll be ever so happy....
Tim Horton
What is the actual difference between a "grin" and a "smile" in the attitude of the one displaying it?
Happy is an emotion and an emotion is a judgement that follows a value. The value is a measurement by a standard we set for ourselves.
And they call me pedantic!!
??I used to think I knew what Happy meant.. -
Woohooooooo WE Won !!!!!!
by observer inwoohooooooo we won !!!!!!
world cup of hockey semifinal!!
finland - usa 2-1 .
Tim Horton
Too bad you won't make it past them Canucks!
Palm reading and what not
by Tim Horton infirst a bit of background about this poster... married, 2kids, 12 year old and 15 month old, wife and i inactive for about 4 years and spotty at meetings at best for various reasons.i've had doubts ever since 95 and the generation thing, and my wife, well she's always had some resentment from the truf being drilled into her when she was growing up.
however i put off deciding what to do about the future of my own spirituality (and my family's) till recently when i got tired of feeling guilty about not following an outline for the only way to be a good person.
also my wifey wanted to know what the hell we were doing so she wouldn't feel like a fence sitter.
Tim Horton
Thank you all for interest and ideas. No I didn't get scared away, but actually my parents are out for a visit(staying a couple days before and after doing a road trip around the northwest). AND they are heavily into the truf (Dad 1 of 2 elders in his KH). So I'm doubtful they would approve THIS site and my comments here, so I'm sneaking a little time here in the wee hours of the morning. They know we're not regular at meetings, so are starting to get more concerned and frequent in their visits (even though they live across the country). Their soft-sell was touching at first but is increasingly becoming annoying...but that is a topic for another thread....
Special- "and not being able to become passionate and involved in life so to speak." That's also what it felt like in the borg..
Hey zen (like your name- it's zany!) "you can notice what seem to be patterns and trends and sometimes your gamble pays off...sometimes it dont... just the way the game plays out."
actually I'm using that theory in my trading hobby, it does seem to work.. -
Five Meetings and David's Five Stones (and other goofy things)...
by Confucious ini don't think this was ever written in a wt, but i've heard it more than once as a comment.
that when david reached into his bag to sling a stone at goliath - that he had five stones to choose from.
and the comment was... .
Tim Horton
one MS in our hall had a gem. Warning about listening to apostate ideas, we shouldn't think that these can go in 1 ear and out the other without harm... Try that with a bullet!!
self-righteous bs -
Palm reading and what not
by Tim Horton infirst a bit of background about this poster... married, 2kids, 12 year old and 15 month old, wife and i inactive for about 4 years and spotty at meetings at best for various reasons.i've had doubts ever since 95 and the generation thing, and my wife, well she's always had some resentment from the truf being drilled into her when she was growing up.
however i put off deciding what to do about the future of my own spirituality (and my family's) till recently when i got tired of feeling guilty about not following an outline for the only way to be a good person.
also my wifey wanted to know what the hell we were doing so she wouldn't feel like a fence sitter.
Tim Horton
Thanx Czar, it's true - she could have been answering questions and talking about other things that she never mentioned to me, she is a natural talker
Palm reading and what not
by Tim Horton infirst a bit of background about this poster... married, 2kids, 12 year old and 15 month old, wife and i inactive for about 4 years and spotty at meetings at best for various reasons.i've had doubts ever since 95 and the generation thing, and my wife, well she's always had some resentment from the truf being drilled into her when she was growing up.
however i put off deciding what to do about the future of my own spirituality (and my family's) till recently when i got tired of feeling guilty about not following an outline for the only way to be a good person.
also my wifey wanted to know what the hell we were doing so she wouldn't feel like a fence sitter.
Tim Horton
First a bit of background about this poster... married, 2kids, 12 year old and 15 month old, wife and I inactive for about 4 years and spotty at meetings at best for various reasons.I've had doubts ever since 95 and the generation thing, and my wife, well she's always had some resentment from the truf being drilled into her when she was growing up. However I put off deciding what to do about the future of my own spirituality (and my family's) till recently when I got tired of feeling guilty about not following an outline for the only way to be a good person. Also my wifey wanted to know what the hell we were doing so she wouldn't feel like a fence sitter. So about this time, I found out that a good friend was also was having somewhat of a crisis of conscience and had also had done an amazing amount of research, coming to the conclusion of never going to meetings again. He, also being a poster on this board, suggested lurking here and learning what I could from other one's experiences, among other informative sites. It has been eyeopening to say the least and I know I still have a lot to learn.Being a new revert(antonym of convert?), and faced with the problem? of thinking for oneself and the future being even more uncertain in my mind, this opens up new areas once considered forbidden and "worldy" at best, which brings me to my point.. Wifey comes home yesterday and says she was out shopping with one of her new friends and they both decided to get their palms read...Didn't really bother me but the first thing I asked was how much did you get taken for?? ($40 BTW) She tells me, without her giving any information about me, that MS. Cleo says 1.I'm going through a major crisis in my faith 2.She says 3 kids for sure 3.There's some sort of danger for our youngest daughter in the next year or so. Now I'm pretty sure I've always been more sceptical than the average JW, so I can discount the last 2 statements but I'm not positive about the first. Is it common for the "midlife crisis" of some guys to include questioning the existence of GOD and/or questioning their faith? Not that I consider this a "midlife crisis" but this Cleo maybe is speculating on my age and fluked out? Personally I always hated when dubs said things like "if it's God's will" since the whole idea of predestination makes no sense to me! Why bother putting effort or thought into anything if it's predestined to occur? Any thoughts on MS Cleo's $40 predictions, and have you ever tried anything similar? Have any here tried anything like this and/or put any stock in it?
Using Mozilla or Internet Explorer??
by Nicolas ini would like to know how many here, are now using mozilla or firefox, the new alternative to the microsoft monopoly?
i'm using firefox and i really appreciate the function for tabbed browsing.
Tim Horton
Firefox at home and work and no pop-ups since!!
If its good, God did it... if its bad Satan did it....
by Elsewhere in.
i've read the bible and i don't recall satan himself actually ever doing anything evil or harmful... however i read many accounts where god killed or tormented countless thousands of people for arbitrary reasons.. aside from prophecies where jehover says that satan will hurt people in the future (hasn't happened yet, and no sign that it will happen), can anyone cite an example in the bible where satan actually harmed anyone?.
Tim Horton
Mulan said: "I can't believe the space on this thread used to debate a piece of fiction. Good grief!"
When will non-annointed men serve on the Governing Body?
by logansrun inthe society has many doctrines and practices which are plainly wrong.
nonetheless, little dogma is, from an organizational standpoint, in serious need of change -- except one.
for the society to continue any form of credibility with it's followers it will have to change it's understanding of who can lead the organization, in other words, who can become members of the governing body.
Tim Horton
I remember that WT study in 95 when they changed their view of the generation and looking around at the meeting and thinking
" Is nobody else here amazed at what this is telling us, after all this time telling us this is a "promise of Jehovah" and wiping it away with 2 study articles? Not alot of discussion afterwards either!!
so I 'll go with Narkissos new light version #2 !
p.s as a newbie still finding the cultish aspects of my previous belief system more unnerving all the time..